Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Growing Legs

How is it that inanimate objects can disappear with lightening speed? From the time you sit them down to the moment you decide they are once again useful, these possessions have scampered off into the abyss.

Where is it that they go? There are only so many places they can hide. A desk drawer. Behind the headboard. Under the bed. Between the cushions on the couch. Yet...somehow, they manage to find a new hiding spot each time.

It is also a strange phenomenon that an object which has hidden, been given up for lost, and replace, will reveal its sacred sanctuary, but only when you are on the hunt for another object.

Lost... a strange word which can mean either:
-"I forget where I put it"
-"Someone moved it"
-or, my favorite "It grew legs and walked away".

march 06

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