Tuesday, May 01, 2007


A few thoughts on this sacred institution.

-"Sleep, no I never get enough, always waking up tired"
-There are many mornings I wake up looking forward to my afternoon nap
-There is no ailment, no emotion, and no issue that sleep can't solve, or at least put off until later.
-Sleep is the best procrastination tacktic available. You can completely forget about all the things you need to do and get away to your own private paradise.
-If you have a comfy bed, curling up under the covers can be as relaxing as a full-body massage, without the uncomfortable element of a stranger touching you.
-Why do people say "catching a few z's" when not a single person I know snores with a "zzzzzz" sound. Unlike the calm bee buzzing that the comic strips imply, most snoring sleepers make noises that closer resemble freight trains, sawing logs, or grunting pigs.
-Isn't it interesting that as we fill our bellies up, our eye lids get droopier and droopier. Turkey must be the best sleep aid invented.
-I'll never understand why I cannot keep my eyes open to watch a movie on the couch, but as soon as I turn the movie off and stumble in to bed I am hit with a wave of insomnia.
-I would love to be a cat. Some afternoons, there is nothing better than to curl up in a patch of bright sunlight and snooze away the afternoon. Purr!
-A Sleepover rarely fits the title. After hours of sweets, games, giggles and chatting, sleep is often hard to come by. If you do sleepover at a friends house, once your friends falls asleep, the unfamiliar atmosphere (noises, sounds, feel of the bed, noises) push out all ability to close your eyes, leaving you cranky and tired in the morning. Sleepovers are never as fun in the morning as they are the night before. A little bit like partying....a topic for another time.

-Final thoughts... sleep reminds me of an addictive drug...I am always striving for more...can never get enough...wishing to push aside all other aspects of my life to get it...and when I spend a day indulging in it, I rarely remember more than random moments.

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