Thursday, May 24, 2007

what a phone call!

So my best friend Kathryn and I have an interesting relationship. We love each other dearly and often go months without seeing or hearing from each other. I'll be kicking myself for not calling her, when I realize that she could have just as easily called me. When we finally get in touch, we fill in all the gaps and it's like we've never been apart. We are a lot a like. Our personalities fit very well. Even our husbands are alike, which speaks highly for the choices we both made. It's funny because I'll forget in the time gap how well she understands me until we talk. For example, I told her that Scott will be away from mid-June until the end of September. She said "oh, that's not bad." as opposed to the usual reaction... "Wow. that's a long time!" She knows the choices we make. During their second year of marriage, she and her husband lived in separate provinces and were only together on the weekends...sound familiar. The eerie, yet potentially exciting, part is that she may be moving to Ontario sometime next fall or winter...hmmm. that also sounds familiar. I would be the happiest woman in the world if I could end up moving half way across the country and just to end up within a few hours of Kat. *sniff* makes me teary just thinking about it. Another strange coincidence is that we both wrote-off our cars within three months of each other...mine had snow and hers didn't, but mine was repairable, hers was NOT. Oh, well. It's so nice to have someone with whom you can be completely comfortable. Who cares about you and what's going on in your life. And who you can cut through the preliminary explanations and get to the meat of the story, because you know the background for the story. I love catching up with Kat and my life is richer because of friends like her!

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